Media 10″ SM CSD-250

10″ Self Manoeuvering Cutter Suction Dredger

Principal dimensions

Length of assembled pontoons 24 m
Width of assembled pontoons 5 m
Depth 1,75 m
Draft, ready for service 0,95 m
Suction pipe diameter 250 mm
Dredging depth at angle 45° for ladder 8,00 m
Fuel capacity 2.500 litres
Cutter speed (variable speed) 0-70 rpm. and reverse
Cutter power 40 kW / 54 hp
Main engine Volvo 240 kW / 326 hp
Transportable by road Yes
Biggest part for transport (main pontoon) 114 x 2,80 x 2,00 m. & 20 ton

The 10” SM CSD-250, the most popular and most sold model. The transportation is still relatively simple and disassembly and assembly is very fast. The dredger can be mobilized in one day. This 10″ self manoeuvring cutter suction dredger is used for maintenance and capital dredging jobs in canals, rivers, small lakes and marina’s. It is one of the most multi-purpose types and therefore this machine is so very popular for contractors that contract many different type of jobs in different circumstances and different locations. Sand and clay cutters can be mounted, dredging depth can be adapted, cutting tools can be changed, and various working methods can be chosen. Spuds are equipped with hydraulic chain drive which enable the operator to actively hoist and push the spuds for controlled hoisting and good bottom penetration. Optionally a spud carriage can be installed. These 10″ SM CSD-250 are delivered to many countries around the world. This machine absolutely out-performed the traditional 10” CSD-250. Although the initial price of the 10” SM CSD-250 is about 10% higher compared to the traditional one, the 10”SM CSD-250 easily beats all 10” traditional CSD’s. Even traditional 12” cutter suction dredgers of other brands are often out-performed by this unique, powerful and self manoeuvring power machine.